Awards Secured
Conference Presentations
4 Awards (1 Gold, 1 Platinum, 2 Diamond)
'AI and Machine Learning' - Initiative of the Year
Outcomes-Driven 'Asthma Data Application'
Safemom Program
6 Awards & Honorable Mentions, 2 Posters
20+ Awards
This year, Wareed and the EHS team have introduced a knowledge-sharing initiative, “The EHS empowering training programs.” This initiative is designed to foster collaboration, ignite curiosity, and exchange ideas with the EHS community through targeted classroom sessions. These sessions are carefully crafted to address specific needs and challenges, providing a structured, interactive learning experience. Covering a diverse spectrum of topics, the program aims to enhance the attendees’ knowledge and benefit them in their practice areas. Four sessions on topics, including project management, data science, population health, and transformative learning, were included in this initiative, which were attended by 124 EHS employees this year.
Year in Numbers
Users trained
Training sessions
End User satisfaction rates
Total Moutamayiz Users
Total Devices Integrated
Approximate number of transactions generated through devices integration
Systems integration Projects
Approximate number of transactions generated through systems integration
Number of Systems integrated
Federal Entities integration
Data Analytics requests catered
AI models created
Data Apps introduced
New dashboards Introduced
Users trained on Data Analytics Tools
Total charges dropped
Clinical & Operational Projects
Change requests completed
Health Check Visits
Award Nominations
Client Achievement Stories
Quarterly spotlight reports
Blogs Published
EHS learning Series sessions
Magazine Publication
Awards & Honorable mentions secured
Prestigious conferences presentations
Estimated Hours saved due to devices integration
Posters Presentation